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Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, Colorado

A Member Of The
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Education Podcasts

Jesus With Children
Jesus invited them, saying, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
(Luke 18:16)

God loves you. Do you have children? God loves your children too. God gave to all humanity a book, the Bible, in which He tells us how He loves us. Over and over again He shows His love. Ultimately He showed His love by sending Jesus to the Savior of the world. Jesus is your Savior, too.

In these Education Podcasts listen to the Bible History lessons, read by the people of Salem church for you. Listen to God tell you of His love for you from the pages of the Bible from the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Each week there will be a new Bible History lesson for you and your family. Please come back often to listen and learn.

Jump to the most recent lesson.

Podcasts are also avalable on these services

Old Testament Lessons

Lesson 1: Creation
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1–2:7

Lesson 2: The Garden Of Eden
Bible Text: Genesis 2:8–25

Lesson 3: The First Sin
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1–6

Lesson 4: The Promise Of The Savior
Bible Text: Genesis 3:7–24

Lesson 5: Cain And Abel
Bible Text: Genesis 4:1–16,25

Lesson 6: The Flood
Bible Text: Genesis 6–7

Lesson 7: The Rainbow Of Promise
Bible Text: Genesis 8–9

Lesson 8: The Tower Of Babel
Bible Text: Genesis 11:1–9

Lesson 9: God Calls Abraham
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1–8

Lesson 10: The Parting of Abraham And Lot
Bible Text: Genesis 13:2–18

Lesson 11: God Promises Abraham a Son
Bible Text: Genesis 15:1 – 18:15

Lesson 12: Sodom And Gomorrah
Bible Text: Genesis 18:16 – 19:28

Lesson 13: God Tests Abraham's Faith
Bible Text: Genesis 21:1 – 22:13

Lesson 14: Issac And Rebekah
Bible Text: Genesis 24:1 – 25:10

Lesson 15: Issac Blesses Jacob
Bible Text: Genesis 25:19 – 27:41

Lesson 16: Jacob's Flight
Bible Text: Genesis 27:42 – 29:13

Lesson 17: Jacob's Safe Return
Bible Text: Genesis 29:14 – 33:20

Lesson 18: Joseph And His Brothers
Bible Text: Genesis 37:2-11

Lesson 19: Joseph Sold By His Brothers
Bible Text: Genesis 37:12-36

Lesson 20: Joseph In Potiphar's House
Bible Text: Genesis 39:1-20

Lesson 21: Joseph In Prison
Bible Text: Genesis 39:21 – 40:23

Lesson 22: Joseph Made Ruler
Bible Text: Genesis 41

Lesson 23: Joseph's Brothers Come to Egypt
Bible Text: Genesis 42

Lesson 24: Joseph Makes Himself Known
Bible Text: Genesis 43:1 – 45:15

Lesson 25: Jacob In Egypt
Bible Text: Genesis 45:16 – 50:21

Lesson 26: The Early Life Of Moses
Bible Text: Exodus 1:1 – 2:10

Lesson 27: God Calls Moses to Lead Israel
Bible Text: Exodus 2:11 – 4:31

Lesson 28: Moses Before Pharaoh
Bible Text: Exodus 5 – 10

Lesson 29: The Passover
Bible Text: Exodus 11 – 14

Lesson 30: God Gives The Law
Bible Text: Exodus 16 – 31

Lesson 31: The Golden Calf
Bible Text: Exodus 32 – 34

Lesson 32: The Spies
Bible Text: Numbers 13:1 – 14:33

Lesson 33: The Brazen Serpent
Bible Text: Numbers 21:4-9

Lesson 34: Israel Enters Canaan
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 31:14 – Joshua 5:15

Lesson 35: The Fall Of Jericho
Bible Text: Joshua 6

Lesson 36: Gideon
Bible Text: Judges 6 – 7

Lesson 37: Samson
Bible Text: Judges 13 – 16

Lesson 38: Ruth
Bible Text: Ruth 1 – 4

Lesson 39: Samuel
Bible Text: I Samuel 1 – 7

Lesson 40: King Saul
Bible Text: I Samuel 8 – 15

Lesson 41: David Is Anointed King
Bible Text: I Samuel 16

Lesson 42: David And Goliath
Bible Text: I Samuel 17

Lesson 43: David's Sin And Repentance
Bible Text: II Samuel 11 – 12

Lesson 44: Absalom's Rebellion
Bible Text: II Samuel 14 – 19

Lesson 45: King Solomon
Bible Text: I Kings 1 – 11

Lesson 46: The Prophet Elijah
Bible Text: I Kings 16 – 17

Lesson 47: Elijah And The Prophets Of Baal
Bible Text: I Kings 18

Lesson 48 - Naboth's Vineyard
Bible Text: I Kings 21 – 21

Lesson 49 - Elijah Is Taken Up To Heaven
Bible Text: II Kings 2

Lesson 50 - Elisha Heals Naaman
Bible Text: II Kings 5

Lesson 51 - The Three Men In The Fiery Furnace
Bible Text: Daniel 1–3

Lesson 52 - Daniel In The Lion's Den
Bible Text: Daniel 6

New Testament Lessons

Lesson 53 - The Birth Of John Is Announced
Bible Text: Luke 1:5-22

Lesson 54 - The Birth Of The Savior Is Announced
Bible Texts: Luke 1:26-38 ✝ Matthew 1:18-24

Lesson 55 - The Birth Of John
Bible Texts: Luke 1:57-80 ✝ Matthew 3:1-6

Lesson 56 - The Birth Of The Savior
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-7

Lesson 57 - The Shepherds And The Angels
Bible Text: Luke 2:8-20

Lesson 58 - Jesus Is Brought To The Temple
Bible Text: Luke 2:22-38

Lesson 59 - The Wise Men Find The Savior
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12

Lesson 60 - The Flight Into Egypt
Bible Text: Matthew 2:13-23

Lesson 61 - The Boy Jesus In The Temple
Bible Text: Luke 2:41-52

Lesson 62 - John Baptizes Jesus
Bible Text: Matthew 3:1-17

Lesson 63 - Jesus Is Tempted By The Devil
Bible Texts: Matthew 4:1-11 ✝ Luke 4:1-13

Lesson 64 - The First Miracle
Bible Text: John 2:1-11

Lesson 65 - Peter The Fisherman
Bible Text: Luke 5:1-11

Lesson 66 - Jesus Stills The Storm
Bible Texts:
Matthew 8:23-27 ✝ Mark 4:35-41 ✝ Luke 8:22-25

Lesson 67 - Jesus Heals A Sick Man
Bible Texts: Matthew 9:1-8 ✝ Mark 2:1-12

Lesson 68 - The Daughter of Jairus
Bible Texts: Mark 5:21-43 ✝ Luke 8:40-56

Lesson 69 - The Centurion Of Capernaum
Bible Text: Matthew 8:5-13

Lesson 70 - The Young Man Of Nain
Bible Text: Luke 7:11-17

Lesson 71 - Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand
Bible Texts:
Matthew 14:13-21 ✝ Mark 6:30-44 ✝ Luke 9:10-17 ✝ John 6:1-14

Lesson 72 - Jesus Walks On The Sea
Bible Texts:
Matthew 14:22-33 ✝ Mark 6:45-52 ✝ John 6:15-21

Lesson 73 - A Woman’s Great Faith
Bible Texts:
Matthew 15:21-28 ✝ Mark 7:24-30

Lesson 74 - Mary And Martha
Bible Text: Luke 10:38-42

Lesson 75 - The Ten Lepers
Bible Text: Luke 17:11-19

Lesson 77 - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Bible Text: John 11:1-46

Lesson 78 - Jesus Heals the Blind Man
Bible Texts:
Mark 10:46-52 ✝ Luke 18:35-43

Lesson 80 - Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem
Bible Texts:
Matthew 21:1-11 ✝ Matthew 26:3-4 ✝ Mark 11:1-10

Lesson 81 - The Lord’s Supper
Bible Texts:
Matthew 26:17-29 ✝ Mark 14:10-25

Lesson 82 - Jesus Prays In Gethsemane
Bible Texts:
Matthew 26:30-46 ✝ Mark 14:26-42 ✝ Luke 22:29-36

Lesson 83 - Jesus Is Betrayed By Judas
Bible Texts:
Matthew 25:47-56 ✝ Mark 14:43-50
Luke 22:47-53 ✝ John 18:3-12

Lesson 84 - Jesus Before The High Priest
Bible Texts:
Matthew 26:57-68 ✝ Mark 14:53-65 ✝ John 18:12-24

Lesson 85 - Peter Denies Jesus
Bible Texts:
Matthew 26:69-75 ✝ Mark 14:54-72
Luke 22:54-62 ✝ John 18:15-27

Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version® (EHV®)
© 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.