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Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, Colorado

A Member Of The
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

About Salem

Mission Statement

As men, women and children united in faith and worship by the Word of God, Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church exists to make disciples throughout the world for time and eternity, using the gospel to win the lost for Christ and to nurture believers for lives of Christian service, all to the Glory of God.



Salem’s Cross

Salem’s Cross

To proclaim the law and the gospel, to lead sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for life and salvation.
Preach the word. Be ready whether it is convenient or not. Correct, rebuke, and encourage, with all patience and teaching.
(II Timothy 4:2)
Jesus said to them, This is what is written and so it must be: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.
(Luke 24:46-48)

To strengthen believers in faith and sanctification through the means of grace.

So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through the word of Christ.
(Romans 10:17)

To equip believers as disciples, stewards, and witnesses for sharing the gospel of Jesus with our fellow mankind.

He himself gave the apostles, as well as the prophets, as well as the evangelists, as well as the pastors and teachers, for the purpose of training the saints for the work of serving, in order to build up the body of Christ.
(Ephesians 4:11-12)

Celebrating 50 Years Of God’s Grace

On February 11, 1973, Pastor Eugene Ahlswede was installed as Salem’s first pastor. The first worship service was held two weeks later on February 25. During the early years of Salem, worship services were held in various locations. At this time Salem was considered a mission congregation and was subsidized by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). On September 7, 1975, our current church-home was dedicated at 4318 N. Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Throughout Pastor Ahlswede’s tenure as Salem’s first pastor, God’s Word was taught and proclaimed in all truth and purity.
Pastor Ahlswede

Pastor Eugene Ahlswede

Pastor Ronald Kaiser

Pastor Ronald Kaiser

Pastor Ronald Kaiser became Salem’s second pastor on December 18, 1977. During Pastor Kaiser’s time at Salem we were blessed with four vicars under his guidance: Charles Westra, David Rockhoff, Jonathan Qualmann, and Paul Tessmer. In May 1982 Salem changed from a mission congregation supported by a WELS subsidy to being completely self-supporting. In the fall of 1985 Salem opened our Lutheran Elementary School. Throughout Pastor Kaiser’s tenure as Salem’s second pastor, God’s Word was taught and proclaimed in all truth and purity.

Salem Lutheran Elementary School had a rich history from 1985 until 2019. Our school principals were Mr. Gary Bain, Mr. Chris Avery, Mr. Matt Herbst, Mr. Mr. Jospeh Gumm, and Mr. Andrew Danner. Our school teachers were Mrs. Carol Bain, Mrs. Jean Avery, Mrs. Connie Krueger, Mrs. Jennifer Wockenfuss, Miss Sarah Underwood, Mrs. Annie Gumm, Mrs. Lori Seiltz, Miss Elizabeth Kuschel, Mrs. Daneen Uhlhorn, Mrs. Jaime Danner, and Mrs. Rose Leerssen. Our school closed in 2016. In 2010, before the elementary school closed, a pre-school program called Mommy’s Morning Out was added. Our pre-school teachers were Mrs. Lori Seiltz, Mrs. Charlene Youngblood, and Mrs. Kathy Wilde. The name was changed to Early Learning Center in 2012 with Mrs. Dianne Martin as the lead teacher. Salem decided to suspend the Early Learning Center in 2019. Throughout this time, God’s Word was taught and proclaimed in all truth and purity.

Pastor James Seiltz was installed on November 23, 1997, as Salem’s third and current pastor. We held a mortgage burning in connection with Salem’s 35th Anniversary on September 7, 2008. Our sanctuary received new carpeting and seating in January 2018. In 2020, nine new stained glass windows were also added to our sanctuary. Also in 2020, we began posting podcasts of weekly sermons and Bible readings online. In 2021, Bible history lessons, read by our members, were added. Christian truths in Japanese were added to our podcast lineup in 2023. All together these podcasts have been played by people in over 75 countries all over the world. Throughout Pastor Seiltz’ tenure as Salem’s third pastor, God's Word has been taught and proclaimed in all truth and purity.

Among former members of Salem who have gone on to become called workers in the teaching and preaching ministry are teachers Mark Kaiser, Rachel Bain, Sarah Koppen, Amber Stritt, Stephanie Wockenfuss, Allysa Figurski, Amanda Seiltz, and Jessica Seiltz; pastors Anthony Pittenger, Steven Kahrs, Zachary Pudlo, and Boyd Longshore.

Looking back on the years, we see how greatly Salem has been blessed. We pray for our Gracious God’s continued guidance as we press forth spreading the Good News of salvation here in Colorado Springs and around the world.

Pastor James Seiltz

Pastor James Seiltz

“Two Important Months”

An Article By Pastor Eugene Ahlswede
In The March, 21, 1976 Northwestern Lutheran

Salem In 1975

Salem Church In 1975

Church Council At Salem’s Dedication

Church Council At Salem’s Dedication

The Lord answered the troubled Apostle Paul, My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness (II Cor. 12:9 [KJV]).

The story of Salem Ev. Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, also illustrates the weakness of men and the abundant grace of God. When our Synod’s people in this city were sorely tested, it was the knowledge of God’s love in Christ that preserved them spiritually.

Salem Congregation was formally organized in May, 1973. Its membership was made up of Wisconsin Synod families who had moved to Colorado Springs and of such who were compelled to leave another congregation which for doctrinal reasons was suspended from Synodical fellowship.

For some time, the young congregation worshiped Sunday evenings in a rented church. Later, a public school gymnasium had to serve as a place of worship. Services at first were conducted by the members of the Colorado Mission District Board. Then, in February, 1973, Pastor Eugene Ahlswede was called as resident missionary.

In its search for property the young congregation faced a serious problem. A moratorium on natural gas permits was declared by the city, so that land had to be sought outside the city limits. Then it developed that the land decided upon had no usable water supply. It was in this hour of our weakness that the guidance of the Lord became evident. A member of the congregation alerted us to a large bi-level home with four bedrooms that was 90 per cent complete. When the Colorado District Mission Board approved the purchase, members and friends of the congregation immediately went about finishing the parsonage.

About the same time, a phone call from a real estate agent who had been contacted two years before offered to show the congregation a modern church building with a seating capacity of 180. The site turned out to have a paved parking lot, room for expansion, and was located in a pleasant neighborhood only a few blocks off Interstate 25. The building came equipped with altar, padded pews, lighted cross, Sunday-schoolrooms, piano, fully furnished kitchen,and lighted sign. Funds for its purchase were supplied by the Synod’s Church Extension Fund. Gifts from members and others in our fellowship supplied an organ, Communion-ware, service books, pulpit, lectern,and hymnals.

Thus, in a period of two months,Salem went from having no usable property and from not knowing where to turn, to a congregation having all necessary facilities. Having tested our faith, the Lord opened the windows of heaven and allowed gifts and blessings to rain down in profusion.

The dedication of the church and parsonage was held on September 7,1975. Guest preacher was Pastor Walter Westphal, Longmont, Colorado. Members of sister congregations in Colorado joined Salem in its hymns of thanksgiving.

We pray that all who read this notice will join us in thanking God for preserving us in our spiritual and physical trials and in praising Him for the bounty He has bestowed upon us. God has indeed been gracious!

Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version® (EHV®)
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