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Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, Colorado

A Member Of The
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Special Events

An Evening With Martin Luther
Act I — Luther Speaks

Martin Luther

Dr. Dwight Johnson
as Dr. Martin Luther

In 2017, Salem member Dr. Dwight Johnson began a thorough study of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther. In Dwight's words:

On a cold morning in January 2017, I was sitting security for the preschool that my grandson was attending when I realized that this was the 500 anniversary of the posting of the 95 Theses. In order to honor the anniversary, I thought that I would look for a one man one act play about Dr. Martin Luther. In my research I could not find a one man play about Dr. Martin Luther. Thus began my research into Dr. Martin Luther and his life as I took on the challenge of sitting my own. A main inspiration for writing this play was that I felt that we have forgotten who Dr. Martin Luther was and his contribution to history. His intellect, his courage, his stubbornness, his love for our Lord and Savior as well as his love for the people around him was truly inspiring. Let us not forget his love for the scriptures that contributed to his excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church.

Let us get to know Dr. Martin Luther again with his writings and stories that caused the Reformation. The play takes us to September 30, 1544 for An Evening With Martin Luther — Act I — Luther Speaks.

Dr. Martin Luther walks in and sits down at his writing table and then starts talking to a student [audience] about his life. The play is about Dr. Martin Luther as he is asked some personal questions. The student tries to understand the man he dearly looks up to. This conversation takes place on 30 September 1544 just after Martin Luther has published his thoughts on the Holy Sacraments.

Come and join us at Salem Lutheran Church at 4318 N Chestnut St in Colorado Springs, CO 80907 on February 23, 6:30pm for an evening of education and entertainment.

Luther Seal

The Luther Seal

Lent, Easter & Ascension

Therefore, since we have now been justified by his [Jesus'] blood, it is even more certain that we will be saved from God's wrath through him. For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, it is even more certain that, since we have been reconciled, we will be saved by his life. And not only is this so, but we also go on rejoicing confidently in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received this reconciliation.
(Romans 5:9-11)

Solo Christo! (In Christ Alone!) This Latin phrase is one of four Solas Latin phrases that sum up the heart and soul of our faith and lives. Sola Scriptura (by Scriptures alone), Sola Fide (by faith alone), and Sola Gratia (by Grace alone) are the other three. However, the other three are meaningless without Christ! As winter is dwindling down and spring is approaching we enter the Lenten church season. This is a wonderful time for us to slow down with an already busy year and refocus on Solo Christo!

During the upcoming months at Salem, we will be focusing on Jesus Christ's passion alone, death alone, resurrection alone, and ascension alone. Christ alone lived the perfect life we could not live. He did this in our place even though we are by nature enemies of God. There is nothing God pleasing in us apart from Jesus. Christ alone then took up the cross. He suffered the death we deserved. Three days later, Christ alone rose victorious bestowing on us life and salvation. Forty days later, Christ alone ascended back into heaven guaranteeing His work for us all. All thanks and praise to Christ Alone. We no longer have to live in fear or doubt wondering what will happen after we die. Our sins are forgiven and heaven is our home. Solo Christo!

Salem is offering several additional worship opportunities to allow us the opportunity to focus on Christ's passion alone, Christ's death alone, Christ's resurrection alone, and Christ's ascension alone. Starting with Ash Wednesday on March 5, 2025 and ending on April 9, 2025, Salem will have Lenten Midweek Services on Wednesdays starting at 6:30 pm. On April 17 and April 18 we will celebrate Maunday Thursday and Good Friday with worship at 6:30 pm both evenings. On Easter Sunday, April 20, Salem is celebrating with a special sunrise service at 6:30 am, an Easter Breakfast at 7:30 am, and our regular worship service at 9:00 am. For Ascension on Thursday, May 29, Salem will have another special worship service at 6:30 pm. These are offered in addition to regular Sunday Worship at 9:00 am.

Easter 4 Kids

Salem Ev. Lutheran Church is hosting a special Easter 4 Kids on Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 9:00am to 11:00am. Easter 4 Kids is open to all children, age 3 through grade 8. There is no cost for registering your children nor any obligation to join the church. Easter 4 Kids is a morning where the children are taught about Jesus' resurrection, put together a craft project, enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt, and have fun with fellow children from the neighborhood.

To enroll your children, please fill out the Registration Form below and bring it along with your child(ren) on Saturday, April 12, at 8:45am to Salem Ev. Lutheran Church, 4318 N. Chestnut St., Colorado Springs, CO 80907. If you need help with filling out the form, please contact Pastor James Seiltz at 719-599-0200 or email us at salemlutheran@q.com.

Salem Ev. Lutheran Church is located two blocks south of Garden of the Gods Road on Chestnut Street on the west side of the street. Garden of the Gods Road is exit 146 off of Interstate 25 on the north west side of the city.

Special Events Calendar

These are in addition to our regular Sunday morning Worship Services at 9:00 am

Special Event Day & Date Time
Martin Luther Play Sunday, February 23 6:30 pm
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper Wednesday, March 5 5:30 pm
Ash Wednesday Worship Wednesday, March 5 6:30 pm
Midweek Lenten Worship II Wednesday, March 12 6:30 pm
Midweek Lenten Worship III Wednesday, March 19 6:30 pm
Midweek Lenten Worship IV Wednesday, March 26 6:30 pm
Midweek Lenten Worship V Wednesday, April 2 6:30 pm
Midweek Lenten Worship VI Wednesday, April 9 6:30 pm
Easter 4 Kids Saturday, April 12 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Maundy Thursday Worship Thursday, April 17 6:30 pm
Good Friday Worship Friday, April 18 6:30 pm
Easter Sunrise Worship Sunday, April 20 6:30 am
Easter Morning Breakfast Sunday, April 20 7:30 am
Easter Sunday Morning Worship Sunday, April 20 9:00 am
Ascension Worship Thursday, May 29 6:30 pm

Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version® (EHV®)
© 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.