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Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, Colorado

A Member Of The
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

From Salem To The World

In March 2020, the churches of Colorado were ordered to close due to the COVID-19 situation. We had never video-recorded our worship services previously. We started to make videos available at that time, not only for our members, but also for the public online.

In October of that same year, we began to offer podcasts of the Scripture readings and sermons. In November of 2021, we began posting Bible History podcasts as well. In May of 2023, we began offering Christian Truths in Japanese podcasts. The Lord has turned our church's closure due to COVID into an opportunity to spread His Word via the internet to 95 countries and 2 territories of the world!

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.
(Romans 8:28)
Jesus approached and spoke to them saying, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and gather disciples from all nations by baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and by teaching them to keep all the instructions I have given you. And surely I am with you always until the end of the age.
(Matthew 28:18-20)

Please pray for the people of these lands as they they hear the message of God's grace in Jesus Christ.

Countries Of The World

These are the countries in the world
in which people listen to Salem's podcasts.

Albania Albania
Algeria Algeria
Argentina Argentina
Australia Australia
Austria Austria
Bahrain Bahrain
Bangladesh Bangladesh
Barbados Barbados
Belgium Belgium
Belize Belize
Benin Benin
Botswana Botswana
Brazil Brazil
Brunei Brunei
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Canada Canada
Chile Chile
Colombia Colombia
Costa Rica Costa Rica
Croatia Croatia
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Denmark Denmark
Dominica Dominica
Dominican Republic Dominican
Ecuador Ecuador
Egypt Egypt
El Salvador El Salvador
Ethiopia Ethiopia
Finland Finland
France France
Georgia Georgia
Germany Germany

Ghana Ghana
Greece Greece
Guatemala Guatemala
Honduras Honduras
India India
Indonesia Indonesia
Iran Iran
Ireland Ireland
Israel Israel
Italy Italy
Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
Japan Japan
Jordan Jordan
Kenya Kenya
Laos Laos
Lebanon Lebanon
Libya Libya
Lithuania Lithuania
Malawi Malawi
Malaysia Malaysia
Mexico Mexico
Micronesia Micronesia
Mongolia Mongolia
Morocco Morocco
Namibia Namibia
Netherlands Netherlands
New Zealand New Zealand
Nicaragua Nicaragua
Norway Norway
Pakistan Pakistan
Peru Peru
Philippines Philippines

Poland Poland
Portugal Portugal
Romania Romania
Russian Federation Russian
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Serbia Serbia
Seychelles Seychelles
Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Slovakia
South Africa South Africa
South Korea South Korea
South Sudan South Sudan
Spain Spain
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Sweden Sweden
Switzerland Switzerland
Taiwan Taiwan
Thailand Thailand
Togo Togo
Trinidad<br>and Tobago Trinidad
and Tobago
Turkey Turkey
Ukraine Ukraine
United Arab<br>Emirates United Arab
United Kingdom United Kingdom
United States United States
Uruguay Uruguay
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Venezuela Venezuela
Vietnam Vietnam
Zambia Zambia
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

Territories Of The World

These are the territories in the world
in which people listen to Salem's podcasts.

The British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian
Ocean Territory

The Cayman Islands The Cayman Islands

Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version® (EHV®)
© 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.